January 23 2025 – Nelson Ruger
Riding the Waves of Change
From a cross-galaxy move to thrilling art adventures at Halcy-Con and beyond. Check out what’s new at 5th & Rugged!
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June 12 2019 – Chelsea Vincent
Don’t Leave Me, Vacation!
Excited for vacation, but not in love with going back to everyday life? Use these hacks to infuse your life with the joy and spontaneity of getting away!
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April 17 2019 – Chelsea Vincent
Earth Day: Why We Love Nature-Inspired Art
As we approach Earth Day 2019, there’s been a definitive shift toward outdoorsy prints and paintings. Learn why we’re “drawn” to nature-inspired art!
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February 04 2019 – Nelson Ruger
Endless vs. Windswept - A study in progression
On the anniversary of the creation of The Endless, we look forward to some of the newest ocean art we've created just for you, and how our styles have evolved and changed over time.
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July 17 2018 – Nelson Ruger
Who Else Wants Great Street Market Art?
What goes into making this exotic Chinatown street market artwork? Check out our latest blog about "I've Come to Bargain, vol.1"
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January 02 2018 – Leigh Brown
Everyday Adventure
We love adventure here in Nelson’s studio. You could call it the mojo that moves us, or the spark that keeps us fired up. We talk about it, dream about it, plan for it, poke fun at it, and try to keep it as a guiding element for all the work and play that we do. Sometimes, though, it’s all...
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December 29 2017 – Nelson Ruger
Fortune and Glory!
Still looking for New Years Plans? Grab your hats and trusty whips, my friends, we have an adventure planned for you... You are Indiana Jones. Kind of. Finding high adventure isn't always easy. It usually requires lots of time and energy getting yourself to remote spots and then there's usually some kind of villain there who want to take all...
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December 26 2017 – Nelson Ruger
Celebrate Adventure Event!
2018 will be a year of Adventure Leave your baggage at home. It's time to get out of the comfort zone you've been lingering in for far too long and get out there! This little blue marble we live on is full of wonder, and so much of it is usually right around the corner if you just get up...
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November 16 2017 – Leigh Brown
28 Things, Part 2 - Go Lightly
Welcome back! We hope you enjoyed Part 1 of "28 Things I Wish I Knew Before Hiking Half Dome", where we chronicled the challenges and sheer joy of climbing thousands upon thousands of feet to the crest of one of the world's most spectacular sights. This week’s notes are a little less philosophical and a little more prep and...
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November 07 2017 – Leigh Brown
Looking Up
How Lifting Your Gaze Can Brighten Your Day The simple act of looking upward can give us more light, more mindfulness and a more open awareness of the larger world and our place within it. It can bring a little more joy into every single day, and the hardest part is just remembering to do it.
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October 04 2017 – Leigh Brown
28 Things I Wish I Knew Before Hiking Half Dome
When we finally reached the summit of Half Dome and looked out across the top of the world, over the glacial peaks of the Sierras sparkling in the sunlight and down over the shadowy green treetops, far below in the jagged Yosemite Valley, Words failed me, and I burst into tears. I know, I'm a sap, but I hadn't thought...
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August 19 2017 – Nelson Ruger
5 Little Ways to Bring Adventure to Your Everyday Life
Because adventure should never be rare Life isn't just a collection of highlights. It is built up from your everyday thoughts and actions. If you're someone who loves adventure, don't reserve it for rare occasions. Pop over to 10 Toes & 2 Fish for our Top 5 tips to Add More Adventure to Your Daily Life
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