Who Else Wants Great Street Market Art?

July 17 2018 – Nelson Ruger

Who Else Wants Great Street Market Art?
Who Else Wants Great Street Market Art?

New in the Artist Studio - I've Come to Bargain, vol. 1.

Sometimes we all want to go somewhere exotic...experience sights, smells, tastes, and sounds unfamiliar.  In this case, having just watched Doctor Strange, and as always in love with the street market scene in Hong Kong toward the end, I've been dreaming of getting my feet on the ground somewhere in the far east.  I've Come to Bargain borrows from a few different locales (both domestic and foreign) to create the atmosphere of an eclectic street, filled with people out for an impromptu evening full of fantastic food, vivid scenery, and friends.

An exciting, exotic night out awaits.

A 16x20" canvas, painted in oils, the whole piece was done using various palette knives, rather than brushes.

Tokyo China Japan Hong Kong Artwork

It started with a color layout.  No real solid shapes...just a rough layout of color and vibrancy.  There are light pencil marks still visible beneath the paint to help with future layers. 

Asian Street Market Artwork in Process

Over this rich color base, architectural details are built in, keeping a strong focus on the perspective to make sure that the scene has the right dimensions.  This style relies heavily on the architectural elements fitting together properly so that your brain can put the rest together.

Rainy Street Scene Artwork in Process

Next we add elements that start to bring it to life - reflections on the pavement and lighting.

Finished Chinatown Artwork Painting by Nelson

Now completed, both the original oil painting as well as art canvas prints are available. We've also added this painting to the line of products available in Nelson's Fine Art America Store.

I've Come to Bargain, vol.1 follows a series of urban cityscape artwork, all done with palette knife and oils over the past year. Some of the others in the series include: 

The Walking Man Urban Cityscape Artwork by NelsonRainy City Street Urban Landscape ArtworkVancouver Canada Steam Clock Artwork

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