October 01 2017 – Leigh Brown
28 Things I Wish I Knew Before Hiking Half Dome
When we finally reached the summit of Half Dome and looked out across the top of the world, over the glacial peaks of the Sierras sparkling in the sunlight and down over the shadowy green treetops, far below in the jagged Yosemite Valley, Words failed me, and I burst into tears. I know, I'm a sap, but I hadn't thought...
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About 5th & Rugged
We all have those rooms in our homes that are just begging for color and vibrancy. Well, we've got the answer! With 5th & Rugged's art pieces hanging on your walls you can bring life back to any space with a bold statement piece from us - without breaking out into hives trying too hard or spending money overseas where quality isn't always top notch (we know this because there were plenty of times when stuff caught fire during shipping). Get ready; giving yours an upgrade is going be easy peasy once these babies come home.