Knees up, Tiki Time!
October 06 2017 – Nelson Ruger

"What do you think about a Dick Van Dyke inspired Tiki oil painting?"
Oddly enough, I don't get questions like that every day.
" Dick van Dyke show? Or Mary Tyler Moore?" I ask, thinking 60's pop culture infused with a ton of Tiki. That could work.
"Actually we were thinking Mary Poppins," she says. "Can you come up with something?"
I stop and stare blankly at my wall. Okay, so, not Mary Tyler Moore. As someone who grew up on Disney, this was even a stretch for me. I honestly hadn't seen Mary Poppins probably in decades at the very least.
But I remembered the chimney sweeps doing Step in Time like it was yesterday!
You probably do too. A bunch of chimney sweeps on the rooftops of London dancing around while fireworks explode around them.
Quintessential American childhood stuff.
So now here I am. Thinking...I need to come up with some original art that that would be part of an auction for the Dick Van Dyke Foundation for the Performing Arts combining chimney sweeps and...Tiki.
And now I was being asked to do original art that would be part of an auction for the Dick Van Dyke Foundation for the Performing Arts combining chimney sweeps and...Tiki.
Challenge accepted.
I decided the silhouette moment in Step in Time would be my focus.
With a stack of other paintings I had to complete in the next few days right on top of me, I got to work. I fired up Procreate, pulled out my massive image stock of Tiki, Mod, Tropical, and Fantasy images. Normally I do image boards to give me a solid direction.
I didn't have time for my usual process, so I kept it visually simple:
- A Tiki hut (built around 3 or 4 different huts I saw, I really enjoyed the spire jutting off the end and the rough roof).
- Water. Not my usual rough surf, just shallow, still water.
- A set of leaning palms I found in some ancient, black and white photo research.
- Big puffy clouds. These started out really fluffy and loose and I ended up tightening them up a lot more than I normally do.
- A big giant iconic stellar body which creates the silhouette of Bert in the sky (like the silhouetted Chimney Sweeps in Step in Time). Whether it was the sun setting or the moon rising I hadn't decided.
- And of course, Mary, getting ready to land on the spire. Except she's wearing a grass skirt this time, oh and a lei, and she's ready to hula!
I did two quick versions of it...
Tropical Sunset...
...and Mysterious Night.
I liked both, and couldn't choose, so I sent it out to a bunch of friends for feedback, figuring there would be a consensus. Except there wasn't. It was 50 / 50, split right down the middle. If I had another few days to work on it, I would have done both. But without it, I just chose the simple "Mysterious Night" version, keeping in line with Step in Time happening at night.
With our color palette chosen, I got to work.
Dick Van Dyke Tiki art Process - sketched on canvas
Dick Van Dyke Tiki art Process - base coat (I absolutely love this stage, how much of the art is just left to your imagination. Pure magic.)
Dick Van Dyke Tiki art Process - adding texture and more definition
Dick Van Dyke Tiki art Process - Adding definition to the clouds and roof
Dick Van Dyke Tiki art Process - add foliage and glow in the sky
Dick Van Dyke Tiki art Process - Final Product
I rarely have this much fun creating art, but seriously, this was just a blast.
The final piece is a 16"x20" oil painting on canvas painted entirely using palette knife. The painting will be part of a silent auction held for the Dick Van Dyke Foundation for the Performing Arts, which will be held at Garner Holt Productions on November 4th!
Click the link if you'd like to join us for the event - we would love to see you there!
Here's the official release:
Join us for a practically perfect evening with Dick Van Dyke at Garner Holt Productions animation factory on November 4th, 2017. The stars will shine bright as they come out to honor Mr. Van Dyke through one of a kind performances and tributes. You'll also be treated to an adventure tour through the Garner Holt Productions facility. Along the way you'll encounter special exhibits, demonstrations, culinary and beverage stations, and meet the GHP artisans. Then you'll make your way to a cocktail party and performance space surrounded by some of the most amazing animatronics ever created.
This magical event is a fundraiser for the Dick Van Dyke Foundation for the Performing Arts and will empower budding young stars to explore the performer within.
We are seeking corporate and individual benefactors and sponsors for this event. If you have questions or would like to help, please contact